TICAP, The Hague, March 15th 2010

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Hi! Back from hols in Florida. Very warm.
Florida one of the Anti-smoker's Capitals of the world.
Still..survived. Florida International Airport or McCoy Int Airport must be avoided by all smokers. You can smoke outside arrivals on the kerbside of the pavement. There are no seats so we just sit on the floor waiting for our plane to board. I suggest Sanford Airport!!

In Florida all polite smokers should be aware of the many methods of improvising ashtrays so that safe and tidy disposal can be assured. My photo shows the T-bag method. Another is to collect a spare takeaway cup and decant some coffee into it. We all know how the discarded soda can can be very helpful, don't forget to trash it so you know no-one will drink out of it again.