TICAP, The Hague, March 15th 2010

Monday, July 07, 2008

Liberty is Coming Back to America!

By Blad Tolstoy

I am pleased to announce that as I write, ladies and gentlemen, a major event is taking place in Hawaii. Today, July 6th, is International Day of Defiance in that sunny state and a new dawn is beginning. Yes, I know many of you have always kept the faith, but still you wondered when a change was coming. Now that day has arrived.

Hawaiian bar owners, cyclists and gun owners are out on the streets and united in their demands for freedom of choice. This is a new alliance and one that is set to grow... And grow...And grow!

A message of support has already been given in a Skype chat conference, and personally, to Dave Crowley (one of the prime movers in Hawaii), by The International Coalition Against Prohibition (TICAP) which represents organisations from some 15 countries through out the world.

Now please read this newsflash at Forces International:

March on Capitol on July 6


And then, tune into this programme for an interview with Dave Crowley and the following discussions on that precious matter of freedom of choice. As you will discover, the mood in America is starting to change!


Please excuse the pauses in the podcast. Just be patient and persevere. You'll find it will be worth it!